Friday, May 9, 2014

My day can beat up your day.

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Really small minds discuss how their day was better than mine." - Rhys van Beurden

Corona's are garbage. I used to think it was all that and a bag of potato chips when I was first getting into beer drinking, but have since acquired other tastes. But as far as beers goes, it is a fine beer, and if someone offers me one, I will certainly take it. I don't, however, like Corona's ad campaigns, mainly their "From Where You'd Rather Be" campaigns. Why? Simply put, I don't like being told, unequivocally, that I desire to be somewhere I am not, when, in fact, I don't desire to be there at all. I'm perfectly fine where I am right now, in my cramped cave in my parent's basement. If I wanted to be somewhere else, I would go there. And I don't really want to go to Mexico full stop. It's never been on my radar. I mean, Mexicans are always trying to leave the place, and Corona are trying to convince me that I WANT to be there? Puh-lease.

Furthermore, why are all the ads set in the afternoon with a setting sun? Is the rest of the day really boring in those places? Because I am pretty sure the sun doesn't set ALL day in these places. It has to rise and stay risen, and set and stay set at some point too. The things people are doing in these videos is always really dull as well. Like sitting around doing nothing and looking at the sun isn't all that fun. I can do that here, except it doesn't cost me a lot of money to travel around the world to be in some place where I'll probably get shot. It just ain't worth it. Also, that would require me to go outside, and that notion is scary.

I didn't actually come here to talk exclusively about Corona though. My main grief is that people are using that template to brag about their own day. Taking a photo of yourself at the beach coupled with the tagline "My day is better than yours" is just a wankfest. I don't care about your day, any less than I care about going to the beach. Don't presume going to the beach automatically scales you above whatever I am doing anyway. Look, you may be having a fun day, and I may be having a shit day. But that doesn't mean I want to here you trumpeting on about your bloody tip top day on your social media account. To be perfectly frank, if it ain't happening to me, I don't care. And really, is being at the beach that bloody great? Because I can go to the beach if I so choose to, but I don't choose to. The beach bores me. And no matter how many times you convince yourself there is going to be a whole heap of beach babes in bikinis to ogle, it's usually mothers with their kids. No one wants to see that. Sorry mothers. Also kids I guess?

I honestly don't know when the phrase "My day is better than yours" or other iterations came into public usage, but it should piss off to that hole it came from. It feels as though it is another one of those terrible internet tags that came into public usage for no apparent reason other than to see how far people can push it before other people started kneecapping them over it. Do I even need to mention YOLO? Yet, I think believing that people are trolling is giving them too much credit, and that people use those terms in a genuine way. Which I just find sad.

Xoxo TED