Politics is a massively divisive element of society. Everyone has an opinion about politics, even if they don't care about politics, because not caring about politics is an opinion in of itself. And unfortunately, people really like to talk to about their opinion of politics for some reason. "OMG, I DON'T EVEN CARE!". Yeah, okay, maybe not you. Our opinions can be informed, uniformed, biased, self-developed, or family driven. Look, I have a political leaning, I'm not gonna lie. I like to look at the flaws of one party under a microscope, and turn a blind eye to more questionable actions of the other party. But I don't think politics should come down to a, "I chose this party for life!" kind of thing, but choosing a party that CURRENTLY best represents your opinions and thoughts of the path in which your country should follow. It just so happens that every time I have had the great honour of voting in a member of my electorate, it so happens I have chosen one party in particular. It speaks to me that weaknesses of the other party that they appear so inept. But I digress, that is not why I hear today, to beat my political chest. No, this is far removed from that. Instead, I come to do my usual rant, and complain about everything.
In my days, I have witnessed many an arguments over politics. I have witnessed the dissolution of friendships over something as silly, and personal, as political opinions. And for what? A dick measuring contest over politics? Please. Why do people feel the need to constantly tell other people about their political opinions? Those people who will constantly link you to VERY biased articles that support "their" argument, constantly shoving it down your throat. I don't very often bring up politics. It creates more tension than a person-less bag on a train. BAGS WITHOUT PEOPLE DON'T MAKE SENSE! So why does everyone else like to do this? I don't want to argue with people over freakin' politics, and hearing me mumble noncommittal responses surely can't be fun for you? Are people trying to create arguments? Have a hearty discussion about how right they about politics? "Convert" someone to their politics? What is it? Obviously, we live in a digital age. This enables a further platform for these political junkies to beat the dead horse of politics. Linking opinion articles that totally reflect the "right" opinion, all the while making outlandish statements like Politician X is the new Hitler, and we have to fight the system.
Fight the system, yo!
These articles only serve to stroke your ego. For some reason. You are not informing people of anything. They don't create discussion. The internet is now solely used for pornography, photos of cats, and people yelling at each other about things from behind a keyboard. By posting these articles, you are attracting two different kind of people: people who agree with you, and people who don't (duh?). The former are gonna high five you over how awesome that article is and totally represents the truth, and the latter are gonna bitch and call you an idiot about how wrong you are. Why are either of these outcomes desirable? And yes, I do realise the irony in bitching about people posting about opinion rants, as I write an opinion rant. But this blog is mainly for me to bitch about things that annoy me, and I don't care for healthy discussion on it. It is what it is, SO DAMN THE HYPOCRISY! I just think, if we are gonna truly discuss something, discuss it without the aid of some obviously biased article totally backing up your point. You can't whine about the media being unfair as you post links to it. For every article that you find that argues one point, is another article that totally argues the opposite point. Think about it, you dick. Reading these articles is fine, and hey, having discussions on the comments of said article is fine too. The people commenting there are there for a reason, not windows shopping on their Facebook and catching a glimpse of the opinions of others. So having said that, if people want to have a healthy discussion with me on this, comment below (hey, I did say damn the hypocrisy...).
Xoxo Kony Rubbott, Leader of Laboral