Saturday, May 11, 2013

Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a therapist.

NOW, on the border of the broken chasm, the infamy of man was stretched along.
Beholding as they descend, and the reign of man is FLEETING!
Enraptured in an illusion in which we all belong,
…And our purpose is acknowledgement of the void?!?

I just read a rant on tumblr written by a girl about how guys always screw girls over. That was a stupid rant, I'm not gonna talk about that. But what I am going to talk about, is how everyone screws everyone over. Because let us be honest. Girls get screwed over by boys, boys get screwed over by girls. It is just how it is. People are terrible. I'm terrible, you're terrible. We all need to admit it at some point. I have.

Being a generally terrible person is not gender exclusive, not matter how many broken hearted souls try to convince you otherwise. Of course a (heterosexual) girl will only have bad relationship experiences with boys! They are the only type of people with whom they are trying to get into relationships with! And the exact same can be said of (heterosexual) boys. I must admit, I am certainly guilty of trying to pin all emotional issues of the world squarely on the shoulders of women, but that would be unfair (but probably true). Simply put, people only look out for themselves, and because of that, we have a world of people screwing other people over to get what they determine to be the fullest life available to them.

I can honestly say I have never gone out of my way to intentionally screw with a girl (there is such little interest that I doubt such an issue will ever arise). I'm not sure if I have ever screwed over a girl unintentionally, but there is every chance that I may have. But I certainly have been screwed over by a girl. I'm not exactly sure of the thought processes of those girls (yes, multiple people), so I cannot fully determine what their intentions were, but man, some of them seemed real harsh, didn't they? Asking a girl out for a positive response, to them suddenly ignoring all attempts at communication and start going out with someone (in the period of maybe a fortnight) seemed like a bit of a shit head thing to do. I can't justify those actions in my head in any sort of scenario, but maybe she can? And that is where it all comes back to. All people need to do these mean actions is justification in their own minds that what they are doing is the right thing to do. So you've got people everywhere doing all the nastiest things in the world because they can justify these things to themselves.

Is there a remedy to all this? Probably not. I just think that there is always two sides to every story, and two sides to every relationship. Just as I don't try to go out of my way to screw someone over, I may still do so. I am content with my decisions and the things that I do. And just as someone else may not go out of their way to screw me over, they may still do so. It's their right to do so. I may not like it, but at the end of the day, who really cares about what I want?

Xoxo gossip troll

P.S. I can safely say that any girl who has given me any sort of false hope has moved on to far worse prospects, so I can feel some vague comfort in that they couldn't get anything better then this.

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