Monday, April 22, 2013

The good that men do.

"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it. Consequently it shall perish"
[Friedrich Nietzsche]

Religion annoys me. It doesn't make sense, and is built around that foundation of simply not making sense. However, that is not what really annoys me about it. What annoys me about religion is people, and the way they act about religion. I don't like overly religious people, and their need to try and tell me that I should be overly religious along with them. I guess it boils down to not wanting to have someone else's views and opinions shoveled down my throat, for I already have my own views and opinions on life and religion. Their is an outlying arrogance to the attitude of these religious people that they have chosen a better path than me, despite having no idea what path in life I have chosen to take. Having said that, this is very rarely an issue for me. Sure, I have had Jehovah's Witness followers bug me at bus stops before, because apparently a bus stop is the best place to recruit people, but all in all, I get bugged by people asking me to sponsor a starving African kid far more often than someone trying to recruit me to their religion (hey guys, I could use a sponsor too; protein shakes are really expensive!).

However, in recent times, I have begun to be irked more and more, not by religious zealots trying to tell me the Bible is an interesting read (in my experience, it isn't), but more so from atheist twats riding their high horse around and feeling as though they can incessantly mock people for having their own type of faith. You know what dickheads, you are just as bad as them! It seems to be some sort of crime to believe in God in this day and age, and I don't understand why. As I noted above, overly religious people certainly do annoy me. But how often is that an issue? Sure, I sometimes have a giggle when a religious person makes a comment about God, because it often seems out of a place in whatever forum they are mentioning it in. But I'm not going to verbally insult them just because they believe in God. That is just a dick move. I will see far more people off their own volition willingly insult religions, or religious people, for being stupid and not conforming to what they believe in than the other way round.

Atheism is just another system of beliefs filled with circle jerk arseholes trying to tell me that those beliefs are better than mine. You are all arguing the same thing from different angles! It's like when it is raining, and some people will make a Facebook post about the rain, and then other will make posts complaining about people making posts about the rain. Um, hello, you are still talking about the rain! You can't be better than those people because you are the same as those people! I like to poke fun at both sides of the argument because I have never been that closely attributed to either, but you are all annoying, and that is the real problem. Everyone needs to get off their high horses, and simply remember that I am better than you all.

That is Gossip Rhys for the week, I hope you enjoyed it. *blows raspberry*

Monday, April 15, 2013

Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?

Just a short post,
Women. Please wear bras. I don't know what you are thinking, but your saggy, bra-less boobs are very awful to look at. So much so, that I no longer want to perv on you. Was that your goal? It's working.

Xoxo go away

I'll squat in your house if you squat in my gym.

Where did that come from? Going to the gym is now a huge cultural phenomenon, obviously. Yet, I can honestly only remember about two gyms in my area growing up in high school, and nowadays, you can't go past a corner without seeing one! I never did weights training when I was in high school. Never. My physical activity for the week was going to martial arts, but the thought of picking up a dumbbell and doing dumbbelly things will it was very very foreign. And I am sure that it was the case with most others my age as well. None of my mates went to any gyms (as far as I was aware, at least). Yet nowadays, you've got school kids going en masse to gym. Admittedly, they still all look like bean poles, but that is not the point. They go to the gym!

Strange how times change. When bodybuilding experienced a boom in the 70's through Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno (and various others), it was still was considered a rather extreme life choice. But nowadays, everyone is trying to pump themselves up to extreme sizes. However, they seem to think that overall size eclipses symmetry and proportion. I mean, compare Ronnie Coleman, a "modern" bodybuilder, to Arnie.

 photo arnold-coleman_zpsd0084e7e.jpg

Whereas Arnie has great lats, helping to create a nice v-shaped symmetry along with a flat toned stomach, and great toned legs, Ronnie Coleman looks bloated, has no tone in his legs, and simply has an out of wack body proportion due to oversized lats. He looks like someone blew him up! The natural look of Arnie (be it natural or not) is so forgotten these days, and replaced with a "get as big as you possibly can, however you can" mantra. And that mantra is becoming louder and louder, and more obnoxious really.

Why obnoxious, you ask? I don't know, does hearing some clown shouting "Squats, squats!" over and over again sound exactly pleasant? Holy shit, just because you may go to the gym does not mean you can or should sound off about it every day on whatever social networking program you use. Lots of people work out. Lots of people go to the gym. And really, more often than not, you are simply highlighting the apparent futility of your gym sessions by virtue of the fact that you STILL DO NOT LOOK GOOD! Having a fat arse doesn't mean you have a booty. It just means you have a fat arse! And what is with this sudden fixation with girls trying to "manufacture" a booty? You want to have some bulbous, out of proportion derriere? It doesn't look good! Just like it doesn't look good for guys to sit their and work out their chest and backs all day long, because it makes you look fat! People fail to understand proportions and that is so annoying. And that annoyingness is further perpetuated by an arrogance of whatever non-progress they have made. Listen, being confident is one thing, and I can get behind that. It's great to feel confident in of yourself. But when that confidence translates to contempt for those who you perceive to be beneath you, yeah, well piss off eh. You are not as good as you think you are. And wearing "House of Supplements" or whatever clothing doesn't make you cool and in on the "gym crowd". It makes you a tosser. Do you know what I wear to the gym? My Rondo jersey! So yeah, I'm better than you...

Xoxo Gossip Rhys

Monday, April 8, 2013

My socks are too big, so I wear them on my head and call them beanies.

What is it with girls and wearing goddamn tiny tiny shorts. I know I have complained quite frequently about girl's fashion, and in particular their love of these barely there shorts, but hear me out. This complaint is like a cousin of those ones. No, this complaint stems from the fact that girls who wear these tiny shorts are always pulling them down. Not like a wigga who wears his pants down his thighs because apparently that looks cool or something, but pulling them down to try and cover their arse cheeks. Wait, what? You wear denim underpants specifically designed to show off your arse cheeks, and then pull them down to cover them in what, some vague attempt at modesty? Oh, come on! That just doesn't make any sense! If you actually cared about the fact that your arse was bare, you wouldn't wear pants that were approximately 4cm long in the first place! And it's not just pants. Girls wear these dresses that go about an inch down their thigh, and are then constantly, constantly, constantly pulling them down. I get that it sometimes rides up, but why buy a bloody dress that rides up so bad in the first place? How about buying a dress that, when it inevitably does ride up, it still allows you to retain your vanity? Don't give me some bullshit about the dress being appropriately sized, and that i just rides up a lot. If it was appropriately sized, it wouldn't matter! A figure hugging outfit is always going to ride up, so either you are an idiot, or full of shit. If the longer dress doesn't fit in other areas, bad luck eh. Buy a different dress. I'm not gonna buy a shirt that sits up over my belly button and then pull it down every 13 seconds just because I like the design, OK?

I get that clothes lose shape real bad. I really do get it. I have complained long and hard about the rubbish production quality of clothes that cause lots and lots of my shirts to stretch out of shape. But every time that happens, after a big whine fest, I get over it, move on, and stop wearing the shirt. I don't like to pretend that a midriff baring top looks really good on me, because... they don't? I suppose I may be being a little harsh towards girls at the moment. I guarantee you I look down upon certain types of male clothing just as much. I also guarantee you I will touch upon that at a later point. But males don't get tarred with the "slut" look brush as much as girl do, because we don't bare our arse cheeks and boobs as often. And I'm not saying just because you look like a slut, you are a slut, but... you're not painting a good picture if you do. As unfair as that may be. Oh well. Love you guys, you're so sexy xoxoxoxo.

Er... flush?

Friday, April 5, 2013

A post to the dead end of my foot.

I hate old people. They smell and forget that we live in the 21st century, not the 19th, like when they were born. Today, when I was walking up a set of stairs, I was stared down by some old battleaxe. Now generally speaking, I'll try to be polite and move out of the way of someone with whom I am on a crash course with. However, there was several people moving down the stairs, with most occupying the correct left hand side. This old fart though, no she was walking down the right, directly in my path. I looked to my right, her left, and about a step behind her was another guy, doing the right thing and walking down the left side. Expecting her to shift left to accommodate me, she just looked at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train, and refused to budge her fat arse. Realising that collision was imminent, I quickly skipped to my right, and squeezed through an approximate 3cm diagonal gap between her and the gentleman trailing to her left. And to top all that off, she seemed annoyed at me because I grazed her as I tried to squeeze through. Man, old lady, get some manners. They seemed to have died. Dyed like your hair.

Yeah, anyway, that was that. Old people annoy me. Just cutting in lines, and blaming it on some sort of general ignorance to the world around them. I'm sorry, but if you are so oblivious to your surroundings that you can't see me patiently waiting in line to a bus, or groceries, or food stores, you shouldn't be allowed out in public. Not without a minder. And why are you out anyway? What is so important that you are always clogging up public transport. Which brings me to another annoying point. Why do all old people refuse to use the back door on a bus? They shuffle slowly (approx. 5km per decade) onto a bus to the midway point, sitting directly opposite the rear door. Then, when it is time to get off said bus, they then proceed to shuffle back up the bus, not through the door 2m away, but the front door, for no goddamned reason other than screw you everybody else. Grrrr.

Also, why do old ladies wear plastic table cloths as dresses? It is an awfully odd fashion choice, I must say. And with sneakers on, no less. Strange. I'm sure I have other aggreviances with the grandmas and grandpas of this world, but I'm bored, so I shall sign off.
