Friday, April 5, 2013

A post to the dead end of my foot.

I hate old people. They smell and forget that we live in the 21st century, not the 19th, like when they were born. Today, when I was walking up a set of stairs, I was stared down by some old battleaxe. Now generally speaking, I'll try to be polite and move out of the way of someone with whom I am on a crash course with. However, there was several people moving down the stairs, with most occupying the correct left hand side. This old fart though, no she was walking down the right, directly in my path. I looked to my right, her left, and about a step behind her was another guy, doing the right thing and walking down the left side. Expecting her to shift left to accommodate me, she just looked at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train, and refused to budge her fat arse. Realising that collision was imminent, I quickly skipped to my right, and squeezed through an approximate 3cm diagonal gap between her and the gentleman trailing to her left. And to top all that off, she seemed annoyed at me because I grazed her as I tried to squeeze through. Man, old lady, get some manners. They seemed to have died. Dyed like your hair.

Yeah, anyway, that was that. Old people annoy me. Just cutting in lines, and blaming it on some sort of general ignorance to the world around them. I'm sorry, but if you are so oblivious to your surroundings that you can't see me patiently waiting in line to a bus, or groceries, or food stores, you shouldn't be allowed out in public. Not without a minder. And why are you out anyway? What is so important that you are always clogging up public transport. Which brings me to another annoying point. Why do all old people refuse to use the back door on a bus? They shuffle slowly (approx. 5km per decade) onto a bus to the midway point, sitting directly opposite the rear door. Then, when it is time to get off said bus, they then proceed to shuffle back up the bus, not through the door 2m away, but the front door, for no goddamned reason other than screw you everybody else. Grrrr.

Also, why do old ladies wear plastic table cloths as dresses? It is an awfully odd fashion choice, I must say. And with sneakers on, no less. Strange. I'm sure I have other aggreviances with the grandmas and grandpas of this world, but I'm bored, so I shall sign off.


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