Where did that come from? Going to the gym is now a huge cultural phenomenon, obviously. Yet, I can honestly only remember about two gyms in my area growing up in high school, and nowadays, you can't go past a corner without seeing one! I never did weights training when I was in high school. Never. My physical activity for the week was going to martial arts, but the thought of picking up a dumbbell and doing dumbbelly things will it was very very foreign. And I am sure that it was the case with most others my age as well. None of my mates went to any gyms (as far as I was aware, at least). Yet nowadays, you've got school kids going en masse to gym. Admittedly, they still all look like bean poles, but that is not the point. They go to the gym!
Strange how times change. When bodybuilding experienced a boom in the 70's through Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno (and various others), it was still was considered a rather extreme life choice. But nowadays, everyone is trying to pump themselves up to extreme sizes. However, they seem to think that overall size eclipses symmetry and proportion. I mean, compare Ronnie Coleman, a "modern" bodybuilder, to Arnie.
Whereas Arnie has great lats, helping to create a nice v-shaped symmetry along with a flat toned stomach, and great toned legs, Ronnie Coleman looks bloated, has no tone in his legs, and simply has an out of wack body proportion due to oversized lats. He looks like someone blew him up! The natural look of Arnie (be it natural or not) is so forgotten these days, and replaced with a "get as big as you possibly can, however you can" mantra. And that mantra is becoming louder and louder, and more obnoxious really.
Why obnoxious, you ask? I don't know, does hearing some clown shouting "Squats, squats!" over and over again sound exactly pleasant? Holy shit, just because you may go to the gym does not mean you can or should sound off about it every day on whatever social networking program you use. Lots of people work out. Lots of people go to the gym. And really, more often than not, you are simply highlighting the apparent futility of your gym sessions by virtue of the fact that you STILL DO NOT LOOK GOOD! Having a fat arse doesn't mean you have a booty. It just means you have a fat arse! And what is with this sudden fixation with girls trying to "manufacture" a booty? You want to have some bulbous, out of proportion derriere? It doesn't look good! Just like it doesn't look good for guys to sit their and work out their chest and backs all day long, because it makes you look fat! People fail to understand proportions and that is so annoying. And that annoyingness is further perpetuated by an arrogance of whatever non-progress they have made. Listen, being confident is one thing, and I can get behind that. It's great to feel confident in of yourself. But when that confidence translates to contempt for those who you perceive to be beneath you, yeah, well piss off eh. You are not as good as you think you are. And wearing "House of Supplements" or whatever clothing doesn't make you cool and in on the "gym crowd". It makes you a tosser. Do you know what I wear to the gym? My Rondo jersey! So yeah, I'm better than you...
Xoxo Gossip Rhys
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