Monday, April 22, 2013

The good that men do.

"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it. Consequently it shall perish"
[Friedrich Nietzsche]

Religion annoys me. It doesn't make sense, and is built around that foundation of simply not making sense. However, that is not what really annoys me about it. What annoys me about religion is people, and the way they act about religion. I don't like overly religious people, and their need to try and tell me that I should be overly religious along with them. I guess it boils down to not wanting to have someone else's views and opinions shoveled down my throat, for I already have my own views and opinions on life and religion. Their is an outlying arrogance to the attitude of these religious people that they have chosen a better path than me, despite having no idea what path in life I have chosen to take. Having said that, this is very rarely an issue for me. Sure, I have had Jehovah's Witness followers bug me at bus stops before, because apparently a bus stop is the best place to recruit people, but all in all, I get bugged by people asking me to sponsor a starving African kid far more often than someone trying to recruit me to their religion (hey guys, I could use a sponsor too; protein shakes are really expensive!).

However, in recent times, I have begun to be irked more and more, not by religious zealots trying to tell me the Bible is an interesting read (in my experience, it isn't), but more so from atheist twats riding their high horse around and feeling as though they can incessantly mock people for having their own type of faith. You know what dickheads, you are just as bad as them! It seems to be some sort of crime to believe in God in this day and age, and I don't understand why. As I noted above, overly religious people certainly do annoy me. But how often is that an issue? Sure, I sometimes have a giggle when a religious person makes a comment about God, because it often seems out of a place in whatever forum they are mentioning it in. But I'm not going to verbally insult them just because they believe in God. That is just a dick move. I will see far more people off their own volition willingly insult religions, or religious people, for being stupid and not conforming to what they believe in than the other way round.

Atheism is just another system of beliefs filled with circle jerk arseholes trying to tell me that those beliefs are better than mine. You are all arguing the same thing from different angles! It's like when it is raining, and some people will make a Facebook post about the rain, and then other will make posts complaining about people making posts about the rain. Um, hello, you are still talking about the rain! You can't be better than those people because you are the same as those people! I like to poke fun at both sides of the argument because I have never been that closely attributed to either, but you are all annoying, and that is the real problem. Everyone needs to get off their high horses, and simply remember that I am better than you all.

That is Gossip Rhys for the week, I hope you enjoyed it. *blows raspberry*

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